22 / 06

The ideal wine for the beginning of the barbecue season is…. Beaujolais.
Don't be surprised, because Beaujolais has a serious side. Their best wines are made in the northern part of the region and have more density and depth, but still French elegant, just like this Fleurie, which comes from one of the most prestigious regions.
To enjoy Beaujolais to the fullest, of course it is best to walk to France, but if we can not - fresh bread and cheese in the garden, just before the barbecue is ready, will do a great job.
You can find this ethereal Fleurie, as well as many other interesting wines in all our stores, open from 11:00 to 20:00.
Bul. Prince Dondukov 25
Str. Hristo Belchev 50
Str. Kazbek 59
Str. Exarch Joseph 30
Bul. James Boucher 99-101