Ornellaia Bianco 2021

product code: 2400005016064
in stock
750 mL
Other vintages and volumes:
0.75 L
Alcohol by volume:
750 mL
This fine white wine displays a straw yellow hue with golden reflections in the glass. Considerable complexity is conveyed on the nose with notes such as apricots and acacia flowers alongside roasted hazelnuts and spices. This refreshing wine is rich in flavours and aromas and is at once savoury and full-bodied as well as carrying a long aromatic finish.
2021 started with a mild yet rainy winter that enabled the water resources in the soil to be replenished. After a dry March, budbreak occurred in the first fortnight of April. The gradual rise in temperatures and normal rainfall allowed the shoots to develop evenly before flowering in superb conditions towards the end of May. Summer fully arrived in June with temperatures slightly above average and an almost total absence of rain, resulting in veraison in the last week of July. The dry spell continued throughout August and September, but the spring rain and our estate’s deep soils allowed the vines to avoid overly intense water stress, creating the conditions for small, highly concentrated grapes with exceptional potential in terms of quality. The white grape harvest started on 18 August and ended in the second week of September.
Availability in stores
Buy this product at local stores in Sofia, Bulgaria
ул. Казбек 59
ул. Христо Ботев 65
ул. Екзарх Йосиф 30
бул. Джеймс Баучер

Other vintages and volumes